These testimonials are to help give you a better understanding of co-op positions that you may be able to obtain and which positions you may be better suited towards. Please email new submissions to with your name, year and the year you worked in the position, however, when put up on our website they will be anonymous. Information that you can (but are not limited to) include: work environment, culture, location, transit, hours, team sizes, what you worked on etc.
Note that any inappropriate submissions will not be posted.
Job Description: There were many technical aspects involved in this position, including performing assessments of existing plant equipment, monitoring of daily operations, and troubleshooting quality and yield issues. Although most of the time was spent in the office, there were also days when I would go out into the plant to physically check the equipment or verify the gauge readings.
Relevant ChE Course(s)/Elective(s): ChE 200, 211, 231, 310
Overall Opinion/Appraisal of Job: It was interesting to see how each of the process units we learned about (distillation/separation towers, heaters/furnaces, pumps, etc.) were actually put into use in the plant.